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The Villages Philharmonic Orchestra Will Be Preforming at The Sharon

The Villages Philharmonic Orchestra announced its 2020-21 concert season with a heart-warming performance recently.

Guest artists Elena Galván (soprano), Daniel Bates (tenor), and Sean Stork (baritone) expertly performed Italian melodies alongside the 3 chamber style orchestra at The Sharon L. Morse Performing Arts Center in this annual Opera Gala concert.

“I’ve enjoyed opera for years and my wife is starting to like opera,” said Fruitland Park resident Milton Kirby, joined by his wife, Joan.

“I am amazed at the range of voices. Some people have it and some don’t, and when you hear it, it’s just phenomenal. And of course, there’s a story,” he added.

Pasquale Valerio, the VPO founder and conductor, is looking forward to preparations for the 2021-22 season, which will commence on Sept. 5 with a Labor Day celebration concert at The Sharon. 

“The orchestra survived in the worst pandemic experienced in decades, and I’m very happy for the love for the arts from The Sharon L. Morse Performing Arts Center,” Valerio said. “The whole management really did something beautiful by keeping this beautiful facility open for the message of love to the audience. Because music is the love we have to share with the audience.”

The season-end performance of operatic soprano, tenor and baritone voices sparkled delight in the audience.

The orchestra opened with the energetic prelude to “The Marriage of Figaro” by Mozart.

Bates brought out the passion in “È la solita storia del pastore,” in which the character Federico grieves over lost love. Galván delivered a beautiful performance of “Deh vieni, non tardar,” in which Susanna sings to her fiancé, Figaro.

“To me, when the season ends I am already (thinking) to next season,” Valerio stated.

“Pasquale always does such a quality display. The orchestra is fantastic,” said Nancy Cook, of the Village of Piedmont.

The sale of tickets for next season will start at 8:30 a.m. on July 21 at and all Villages Box Office locations.

Visit for additional information.

Attributed Source, The Villages Daily Sun