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Sumter County Animal Services

Shelter dog of the week: OpieLocal News

Shelter dog of the week: Opie

Opie is a happy pup who can’t wait to meet a family to call his own. He is known by

Shelter dog of the week: Elmo

Looking for a furry friend who loves staying active and giving snuggles? Elmo may be the right dog for you!

Shelter dog of the week: Rex

Rex would love to join you on walks around the neighborhood! He’s also a well behaved pup who is ready
Shelter dog of the week: BufordLocal News

Shelter dog of the week: Buford

Buford knows how to entertain with his goofy personality and loving demeanor. And most importantly, he’d love to find his
Shelter dog spotlight of the week: MiracleLocal News

Shelter dog spotlight of the week: Miracle

Make Miracle’s dream of a forever home come true! Miracle is known at the shelter for her fun, loving personality.
Help Aurora find a foster so she can get surgeryLocal News

Help Aurora find a foster so she can get surgery

Aurora needs an emergency foster in order to get much needed surgery. The pup has a dislocated hip that requires
Shelter dog of the week: CasanovaLocal News

Shelter dog of the week: Casanova

Looking for an active four-legged addition to your life? Come down to the shelter and meet Casanova. Casanova is an
Sumter County Animal Services looking for volunteersLocal News

Sumter County Animal Services looking for volunteers

You can learn about pet care, make new friends that share a passion for animals, and have tons of fun,
Shelter dog of the week: ZeusLocal News

Shelter dog of the week: Zeus

Zeus loves belly rubs, kisses and attention. And he’d love to come home with you! All animals adopted at the
Camp Kids Make Crafts for Shelter AnimalsLocal News

Camp Kids Make Crafts for Shelter Animals

The children presented these crafts to Sumter County Animal Services during a special presentation on July 21.  The children had