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COVID Case Update

As most Villagers know, The Villages spans through three different counties. Here are the number of new COVID cases as

COVID Case Update

As most Villagers know, The Villages spans through three different counties. Here are the number of new COVID cases as
COVID Case UpdateLocal News

COVID Case Update

As most Villagers know, The Villages spans through three different counties. Here are the number of new COVID cases as
COVID Case UpdateLocal News

COVID Case Update

As most Villagers know, The Villages spans through three different counties. Here are the number of new COVID cases as
Tennis Player Plays for HealthRecreation Sport

Tennis Player Plays for Health

Beverly Bibikan-Koeing played competitive tennis for over 50 years, constantly looking for the next triumph. When she relocated permanently to

COVID Case Update

As most Villagers know, The Villages spans through three different counties. Here are the number of new COVID cases as

COVID Case Update

As most Villagers know, The Villages spans through three different counties. Here are the number of new COVID cases as
Smiles For VeteransLocal News

Smiles For Veterans

The Evening Rotary Club of The Villages is assisting veterans by funding a local initiative. Members of the club are

COVID Case Update

As most Villagers know, The Villages spans through three different counties. Here are the number of new COVID cases as
COVID Case UpdateLocal News

COVID Case Update

As most Villagers know, The Villages spans through three different counties. Here are the number of new COVID cases as