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Buffalo PRIDE Held Uniform Swap

Raising a child is wonderful but expensive. That’s why Buffalo Partners Responsible in Developing Education (PRIDE), the parents’ organization of The Villages Charter School, orchestrated a summer uniform swap.

The group also welcomed a few of their new appointments; President Erin Natalino, Vice President Courtney Gage, Amy Johnson as secretary and Angie Nalenzy as treasurer.

Natalino and Gage both have big plans for this year to be successful one.

“We hope to continue to serve our school in the best way possible by continuing the traditions Buffalo PRIDE has created over the last 21 years while adhering to our core values, especially innovation and creativity,” Gage said.

Such uniform swap events provide an economical alternative to purchasing costly uniforms every semester.

“As we all know, children grow fast, and this can help out those who may not want to purchase brand new uniform tops or bottoms every year,” Gage said. “We also utilize extra donations from these swaps to help stock some of our nurses’ offices at our schools if, for any reason, a student may need a change of clothes.”

Buffalo PRIDE has been long associated with parents, keeping them updated with their child’s learning curve. Since its inception, it has been remedial for parents in getting Parental Involvement hours, an essential service of volunteer work that parents must complete with at least 20 hours to keep their students in good standing.

PRIDE has aided parents with the number of opportunities to perform those obligations.

“We would like to continue providing valued information to parents and helping the school by hosting various events and fundraisers throughout the year,” Natalino said.

Natalino said she has managed uniform swap events for several years.

“It is a great opportunity for parents to come out and donate uniforms that their children may have outgrown and pick up some gently used uniforms in exchange,” she said.

Buffalo PRIDE members hold meetings first Tuesday of each month to discuss the upcoming agendas and objectives.